Snags provide more than just firewood
Attention Firewood Gatherers:
Firewood gathering is a common and important use of forested lands within the Nez Perce homeland. But dead trees are full of life! Please keep in mind that many of our native wildlife species also use standing and down dead trees for nests, dens, and sources of food. Some wildlife species need large snags to reproduce and persist on the landscape. When snags become rare, we may no longer be able to find those animals living in our area.
When selecting a standing tree for firewood, please keep your eyes open for evidence of wildlife use like nests, cavities, perches, or foraging holes. Look too for signage posted to protect high-value trees. Where options exist, we encourage fellers to select smaller-diameter trees, those in recently-burned areas, and those closest to major roads. If ordering wood, please consider the Nez Perce Tribe’s firewood program (208-843-7328) or other sources using properly sourced, cut, and seasoned trees rather than snags.
Thank you for doing your part to help sustain all wildlife, large and small, on Tribal lands and throughout the Nez Perce homeland.